Organized 1887

The Conference of Grand Masters Prince Hall Masons, Inc. consists of Grand Masters of the Jurisdictions that make up the Prince Hall Masonic Family.
The purpose of the Conference is to foster progress and well being for Prince Hall Masons wherever dispersed around the globe. It is an advisory board, assuming no powers except those agreed upon by the Grand Masters when in attendance at any one meeting.

The objective of the Conference of Grand Masters Prince Hall Masons, Inc, shall be to perpetuate fraternal harmony among the Grand Lodges of the Jurisdictions; to share constructive ideas; to promote and encourage community involvement with the business sector; to conduct educational workshops/seminars; to support charitable agencies that assist those persons less fortunate than ourselves; and to extend strong educational support to our youth.

The objective of the Conference of Grand Matrons and Grand Patrons shall be to perpetuate fraternal harmony among Grand Matrons and Grand Patrons of the Jurisdictions; to share constructive ideas; to promote and encourage community involvement with the business sector; to conduct educational workshops / seminars; to support charitable agencies that assist those persons less fortunate than ourselves; and to extend strong educational support to our youth through annual scholarships.